With keenly human perception,
the death of Jesus Christ alone should have been a joyful occurrence if we
consider the eternal values enjoyed by human race.
For his death is responsible for:-
- PROPTATION FOR SINS: It pleased God through His love towards us, to send His son to be the propitiation for our sins. Isaiah 53:10; 1John 4:10.
- RECONCILIATION: For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to god by death of His son. Romans 5:10; Col 1:20-22.
- A RANSOM FOR ALL: Christ surrendered His Life to redeem mankind to God. Matt 20:28; Rev5:8-9.
- AUTHOURITY TO DESTROY THE DEVIL: Christ took part in the flesh and blood that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that’s the devil. Hebrew 2:14
GLORIFICATION AND EXALTATION: Whom through suffering of
death was crowned with glory and honour…And became obedient unto death, even
the death of the cross. Therefore God also hath highly exalted Him, that at the
name, which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should
bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth and things under the earth; and
that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God
the Father. Hebrew 2:9; Phil. 2:8-11; Revelation
However, with the trail of
previous advantages inherent in the death of Christ yet the Lord Jesus
sorrowfully ventured into His death BECAUSE DEATH IS NOT
James 3:8; 1 cor. 15:55. I can say here that Jesus mourned for His death
before His demise. Jesus said he was exceedingly sorrowful unto death. He
prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. [Matt. 26:36-38: Mk. 14:34-36; Luke 22:41-44] More
so, He knew that His soul would go to paradise and His today would not see
corruption. He knew that He would resurrect on the third day and that He would
depart out of this world unto the father. Luke.
23:43; Ps. 16:10: Acts 13:36-37; Mt. 16:21; John 13:1; 16:28; 20:17.
In spite of all the facts that have just been mentioned;
yet Jesus endeavored to pass through the death with sorrow, the heaven took
part in the mourning for three hours. Luke 23:44-45.
It is quite sure that heaven would remain silent for that three hours as it
shall be for about the space of half an hour during the calamity which will
overtake the world in the future. Rev. 8:1. Surely, the heavens must have kept mute and stopped praises for that space of
three hours because of the death of the Lord Jesus. Rev.
4:8. All these show that the time of Jesus death was quite a period of
great mourning for the heavens. The earth and rock were moved during the death
of the Lord Jesus. Matt. 27:50-51.
In as much as mourning is the honour that God wants us to
accord the death of the good ones, the death of Jesus was the one that embraced
the greatest and befitting honour due to the facts that heavens mourned him. We
should remember that heavens rejoiced when the Lord Jesus was born. And
suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts praising
God, and saying, glory be to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill
toward men. Luke 2:8-14.
The day of one’s birth is a joyful day, and the
day of one’s death is an evil day. John 16:21; Eccl. 12:1. There was a release
of light in heaven by the time the Lord Jesus was given birth to while during
His death the same heaven was grossly in darkness at noon, as the evidence that
DEATH IS NOT A JOYFUL OCCURRENCE. Luke 2:8-11; 23:44-45. If the death of Christ
is not a joyful occurrence considering the benefit inherent in it how will the
death of someone whose death has no benefit be a joyful event?
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